Food Protector Skin from the Sun

Watermelon. Just like tomatoes, watermelon also got a red color from the pigment lycopene. Enjoy a watermelon in the summer not only nourish the body but also protects the skin.

5. Green tea. What does not owned by green tea for health? Ranging from protecting the heart, cancer, weight loss, to protect skin cells from exposure to UV A and UV B. The secret, components of an antioxidant called polyphenol catechins.

6. Cocoa. The content of flavonoids in cocoa have been known to protect the heart, helps reduce the risk of stroke and blood pressure. Flavonoids are also known well to the skin. Choose dark chocolate that higher flavonoid content.

7. Blueberry and purple. Berries are rich purple pigment called anthocyanin. Besides it feels good, berries also contain a natural SPF and useful to prevent many chronic diseases.

8. Turmeric. Saffron or turmeric has a striking yellow color from curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory, immune boosters, and protect the skin.

Food Protector Skin from the Sun, really important for eating some fruit aday. dont forget for read other important fruit benefits kiwi benefit for health

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