High Calcium in Bones of Catfish
High calcium in the bones of Catfish - Fishbone African catfish (Clarias barrachus) who had only just turned out to be a waste can be processed into high-crackers that contain calcium. Bone Crackers African catfish has the highest calcium content, which reached 7999 milligrams in 100 grams of cracker cracker than others, such as ACI crackers, shrimp chips, and crackers mackerel fish.
'Crackers aci' does not contain calcium, while the 'prawn crackers' and 'crackers mackerel fish' each containing 332 mg and 2 mg of calcium per 100 grams of crackers.

This is the result of research "Oktaviana Rahmawati" and "Pratama Rachmat", high school students Muhammadiyah 1 Solo, which won the champion III for IPS and Humanities at the Olympic Student Research Indonesia which was held October 9 to 14 and then in the Ministry of National Education.
"I like to eat catfish and catfish I saw bones piled up thrown away. Then sparked the idea to use a cracker," said Pratama.
In addition to calcium, bone fish African catfish are processed into crackers also contain phosphorus, which is 129.1 mg per 100 grams of crackers as well as calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
African catfish bones processed first into flour before it is made into crackers with extra tapioca flour, wheat flour, and spices with a particular composition. "We tested many times after being asked the craftsmen cracker, search the internet, and receive guidance from teachers Scientific Group Adolescents in school," said Oktaviana.
Selection of African catfish because the most widely used today in food stalls and fishing, so easy to obtain and cheaper than the local catfish. In addition to high calcium, bone crackers African catfish also has high prospects for entrepreneurship. With capital Rp.66.600, can be obtained crackers 1022 with measuring on diameter 5 cm. If packed into 102 packets with a selling price of Rp 2.000/packet will give a net profit of Rp 137 .400. [kompas]
'Crackers aci' does not contain calcium, while the 'prawn crackers' and 'crackers mackerel fish' each containing 332 mg and 2 mg of calcium per 100 grams of crackers.
This is the result of research "Oktaviana Rahmawati" and "Pratama Rachmat", high school students Muhammadiyah 1 Solo, which won the champion III for IPS and Humanities at the Olympic Student Research Indonesia which was held October 9 to 14 and then in the Ministry of National Education.
"I like to eat catfish and catfish I saw bones piled up thrown away. Then sparked the idea to use a cracker," said Pratama.
In addition to calcium, bone fish African catfish are processed into crackers also contain phosphorus, which is 129.1 mg per 100 grams of crackers as well as calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
African catfish bones processed first into flour before it is made into crackers with extra tapioca flour, wheat flour, and spices with a particular composition. "We tested many times after being asked the craftsmen cracker, search the internet, and receive guidance from teachers Scientific Group Adolescents in school," said Oktaviana.
Selection of African catfish because the most widely used today in food stalls and fishing, so easy to obtain and cheaper than the local catfish. In addition to high calcium, bone crackers African catfish also has high prospects for entrepreneurship. With capital Rp.66.600, can be obtained crackers 1022 with measuring on diameter 5 cm. If packed into 102 packets with a selling price of Rp 2.000/packet will give a net profit of Rp 137 .400. [kompas]
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